Learn more about your body. Find the most accurate path to a healthy harmony.


Duration: according to an individual plan.


Attention: For all those who want to part ways with parasites, cleanse their body from toxins, and prevent a multitude of diseases.

Initial analysis - £90 


Vega test for dietary intolerances -

£40 (mandatory after the initial test)


Initial test + Vega test + therapy -



Additional therapy -

£15 (female health, male health, detox, anti-parasite, etc)

Price - you can choose an option:

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Analysis of the overall condition of 9 systems in the body


Identification of pathogenic burdens


Information about individual dietary intolerances, vitamin levels, and chakras


A comprehensive report of the examination


The opportunity for self-use of the device


No age restrictions


Non-invasive procedures


Face-to-face contact

What will you receive in this program?

improve your health naturally


harmonise and strengthen your immune system


protect yourself from viruses, fungal infections and parasites


fast, non-invasive whole body screening which takes 1 minute only

Bioresonance for life - what you can expect

This is a method for those who want to permanently rid their bodies of parasites, detoxify their system from toxins, and prevent various potential illnesses.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance testing can immediately detect the effects on the body from various types of influences, ranging from psychoemotional to physical and medicinal.


Bioresonance can be applied independently or in conjunction with other forms of therapy and treatment.


Bioresonance has been successfully applied and developed for more than 40 years. It is used by scientists, holistic doctors, and therapists worldwide.

You don't need to wait for months to schedule an appointment. The analyses performed take very little time, and they are painless and non-invasive.

Due to the presence of an autoimmune condition, I wanted to analyse the state of my organs and systems in my body, as well as the possible presence of parasites.

I was quickly gaining weight. I decided to undergo a bioresonance test, as well as a test for food intolerances. The test revealed that I have intolerance to at least 20 foods, fungi, and parasites in my body (particularly Candida, located in many places in my body).


They recommended a diet to me, as well as additional therapy with the Life Expert device. I enthusiastically joined the fight against all the discomforts in my body, combining the dietary regimen with the therapy. After a repeat test, I joyfully discovered a significant improvement in my food intolerances and in the battle against fungal infections.


After a few more months, the third test showed that I had completely overcome the fungal infection.

Now, with the help of highly accessible therapy and tests, every one of my clients can monitor their overall condition and take appropriate measures.


I'm happy that I trusted Life Balance back then. I recommend it to everyone because it is suitable for children and people of all ages, both for therapy and prevention. Convenient, easy, and painless.

My advice is based my personal experiences, expertise, and successes.

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As your holistic nutritionist, I recommend bioresonance for several reasons:

Analysis of the overall functional state of the 9 main systems in the body – Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Excretory, Endocrine, Immune, Musculoskeletal, Lymphatic, and Head Organs.


Degree of resistance to environmental factors. Autonomic nervous system. Central nervous system. Degree of reactivity of the organism.


Information on changes in the spinal column based on the connections between the vertebrae and their corresponding organs and systems.


What does a Bioresonance test include? 

Determining pathogenic burdens (parasitic infections) – protozoa, viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths with localization by organs.


Information on probable pathological changes and symptoms.


Analysis of the condition of the nourishing energy system of the 7 chakras.


Analysis of 47 segments related to the respective organs and systems based on the biofield – the human aura.


Determination of biological age and the reasons for the difference from the actual age

Analysis of indicators for the body's vitamin saturation percentage, daily dosage, and vitamin and amino acid deficiencies.


Information on the presence of heavy metals and toxic burdens.


Information on individual dietary intolerance or altered reactivity to specific products (without their consumption).


Creation of individual recovery complexes for active bioresonance therapy using the devices LIFE BALANCE, Life Expert Profi, TRINITY, PARTNER, ACTIWAY.


Individual selection of food products in accordance with the data obtained from measurements. Individual selection for a sports and fitness dietary regimen, based on required calories and the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the food.


Selection of the most suitable pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetics, and bioactive dietary supplements for the body through a virtual container or electronic selector (the database is constantly updated).


Recording of examination reports and sending files with visual images of problem organs, accompanied by a plan with individually tailored therapy.


Examination reports are presented in .pdf format with color illustrations: diagrams, the spinal column, aurograms, showing the physiological condition of organs and systems.

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The health diagnostic testing using bioresonance is conducted with state-of-the-art equipment from the latest generation, the LIFE EXPERT PROFI, and is designed for a comprehensive analysis of the current functional state of 47 major physiological organs and systems in the body, their health status, assessment of physiological and energy reserves, and the development of individual healing programs.

Bioresonance: How the test is made:

Using electromagnetic waves whose frequencies match the natural vibrations of microorganisms, LIFE BALANCE acts on the pathogenic microorganisms in our body, destroying them and enhancing these vibrations.

The LIFE BALANCE device contains 300 fundamental predefined programs. 100 for preventing parasitic infections, 100 harmonizing programs, and 100 recovery programs. If you wish, you can supplement the basic programs with exclusive complexes provided by the manufacturer and expand the total number of programs to 600.

The most important thing is that these electromagnetic waves are completely safe for the human body because the frequency of parasites does not overlap with the frequency of human activity. LIFE BALANCE is entirely safe for the human body and only affects parasites, and its use has no age restrictions.

Nadezhda Ilieva says:

What people say:

I had a tremendous curiosity to find out what bioresonance diagnostics would reveal about my health. I know Stella from a coaching program in which I participated, and I liked her approach to people.


So far, I have done the basic test twice and the Vega test three times over the course of a year because I had been struggling with pathogens and viruses for a long time.


I have undergone therapy several times with the device, including a general program for parasite removal, detox, lymphatic program, metabolism, and women's health. I have had endometriosis for years, and that has been my main problem. Over time, I learned how to eat based on Stella's advice, and I definitely feel better—more energy, normalized my weight within a year, losing nearly 5 kg without starving, because before, I had to starve myself to lose 2 kg. I now use different food products and I have replaced the ones which are not good for me, and it definitely has an effect.


Thank you again, and I'm happy to recommend trusting Stella with your nutritional health. She can help you to understand what is happening in your body in detail, get a bioresonance screening test, and applying the therapy while you consciously change your eating habits.


Nadezhda Ilieva

I would like to express my gratitude to Stella Radeva for her comprehensive care, competence, and dedication.


She is a person with a great smile and a big heart.


I had the Vega test and the main test in November 2022 for the first time. I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, excess weight, and the doctors suspected a diabetic condition, recommending medication immediately.


Whether by chance or not, I came across Stella Radeva's Facebook page and reached out with questions about testing and potential therapy to discover the causes and adopt a different approach to my health. The first test clearly revealed the symptoms I had - impaired thyroid function, a burdened liver, not to mention the viruses and parasites in the intestines, pancreas, and oral cavity.


I was extremely surprised by the results of the Vega test; it turned out that I had to stop consuming many of my favourite foods. Stella explained in detail the state of my organs, deficiencies, and how I could start taking proper care of myself. During the test itself, she applied two programs with the device to me in about 25 minutes, and I felt significantly calmer and more balanced. Before the test, I had a strong headache.


We started therapy after the bioresonance system created a personalised program for me, and I used the small device at home for two months. My biggest surprise, which I really didn't expect, was the elimination of some parasites after using the therapy and following Stella's recommended meal plan.


I am grateful because I have changed my opinion and my thinking about food and habits. Life can truly be beautiful, and I would definitely trust again! I now take the test twice a year and I am informed at certain times about how food affects me and what I need to change.


I recommend Stella as a specialist, she is always caring and attentive.


Силвия Андреева

Before I had my first session with bioresonance, I felt extremely fatigued, lacking energy. I had high blood pressure and excess weight. I felt like I was starting to experience depression. I didn't have any diagnosed illnesses, except for blood pressure issues for several years, so I was taking medication to keep it under control.


The medication didn't help me every time, and I decided to find another way to understand the root cause. I hadn't heard that I could do such a test to see the condition of my body and organs, so I decided to do it without expecting significant results. I've always been skeptical of alternative medicine.


Upon a recommendation, I contacted Stella and chose a day to go for the test and a Vega test for food intolerance.


I didn't know exactly what to expect, but the consultation was very efficient.


First and foremost, the test itself took only two minutes, and it wasn't painful or stressful at all. Stella, as a therapist, was extremely attentive and explained each of the indicators in detail.


The test revealed a burden on the liver, as well as Candida(fungus) in several organs, amino acid and vitamin deficiencies, and joint problems in my wrists. The Vega test showed intolerance to dairy products, some types of spices, and meat.


She recommended that I create a separate meal plan, which I eagerly started to follow. I've been on this meal plan for almost two months now, and I definitely feel much better. I got motivated to start exercising in the late afternoon after work. Thanks for the attitude, the whole process, and the useful information I learned and am trying to apply in my life. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it before and wants to trust it.


Stella, thank you for your support!


Krasimir Zhelyazkov




Sylvia Andreeva says:

Krasimir Zhelyazkov says:

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How long does it take? 

The test itself takes about 30 minutes, but it's advisable to allocate more time for a thorough examination of the results.


Can the test be conducted online?

The test is conducted face-to-face in my office.


Can it be done on children?

Yes, there are no age restrictions.


I'm afraid of needles. Can I still take this test?

Yes! This is a non-invasive and completely harmless testing method.


Can I purchase a package for multiple tests?

Yes, I always recommend my clients to have follow-up tests.


Can I perform bioresonance testing at home?

The Life Expert Profi device is designed for home treatment at a time convenient for you. It includes many basic programs and an individual program based on the test results.


Are you still hesitating whether bioresonance testing is right for you?


Here are the most frequently asked questions I receive on the topic:


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